Do I need any previous experience to participate in HMCME?

No. For many delegates, HMCME is their first Harvard Model Congress conference and students of all skill levels are welcome!

How is the conference generally organized?

The conference is three days long and consists of committee sessions and full chamber sessions. Throughout the conference, students are briefed on the most important political issues facing the specific governing body they are simulating. They are tasked with creating bills and resolutions to address these problems. Delegates participate in committees that correspond to real congressional or departmental deciding body. In committee, delegates are guided by chairs entirely comprised of Harvard students. The delegates structure the debate by implementing parliamentary procedure and debating skills to convey their arguments and organize to secure passage of bills. This takes place all while students are being taught about key issues and presentational skills by our team of Harvard staffers. The conference culminates in an award ceremony that recognizes outstanding delegates.

What do faculty advisors do during the conference?

Faculty members have much flexibility during the day. Faculty advisors often spend most of their day observing their students in committee and full sessions. Faculty advisors are also welcome to relax in the faculty lounge where HMC Middle East provides coffee and snacks. Faculty advisors also attend a faculty advisor meeting once to twice a day. These meetings are an opportunity for the faculty advisors to share feedback as well as an opportunity for our faculty liaison, Nabila Chowdhury, to update faculty on conference events. Nabila is the point of contact for any issue a faculty advisor might have and is available via email at

How large does my delegation have to be to attend Harvard Model Congress Middle East?

Currently, there are no restrictions on the size of a delegation from each school. We encourage delegations of all sizes to apply to HMCME. All delegations are required to be accompanied by a faculty-advisor which can be a teacher, faculty member, or parent.

How old are the students who attend your conference?

Our conference hosts high school students, usually between the ages of 14 and 18, though we have had younger and older students attend in the past!

Are independent students allowed to attend HMC Middle East?

Any high school student is welcome to attend HMC Middle East - even if their school is not attending. In fact, we have had independent students attend the conference every year since its inception. Independent students are responsible for the delegate fee. They must register as individual delegates on the registration page.

What are the differences between the domestic and international committees?

Domestic committees simulate the two chambers of American Congress: the House and the Senate. The international committees, on the other hand, simulate various international bodies of policy cooperation. Domestic committees tend to use a style of debate that adheres more closely to parliamentary procedure. International committees may vary in committee style depending on the topic of the debate and the preferences of both staff and delegates.

What sort of preparation is necessary for HMCME?

All delegates are expected to have read the briefings for their committee and completed their respective pre-conference assignments. While those are the minimum necessary requirements, any and all further research regarding your topic and your committee is highly encouraged! We will publish a research guide for delegates and a “Teaching HMC” guide for faculty in the fall to help guide preparation!

Where can I find all of the materials that I need for my committee?

You can find the briefings that you are required to read under the committee tab.  To conduct further research on your topics, be sure to refer to the “Guide to Further Research” section of each briefing.  Otherwise, be sure to keep up on the current events surrounding your topic!

Do I have to represent the views of my role, even if I disagree?

Yes!  While you may not agree fully or at all with the views of your assigned role, you are expected to represent them to the best of your ability.  Think of this as a great opportunity to practice your argumentation skills and think critically about all sides of the issues at hand.

What is your technology policy?

HMCME is a tech-free conference. We encourage active and enthusiastic collaboration among delegates, and find that technology distracts from this goal. Please prepare accordingly, by bringing pens and paper and printing out speeches ahead of time.